Dr. Ray L. Winstead
Professor of Biology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania

Life on Earth Lab Syllabus - Fall 2012

PROFESSOR: Dr. R. L. Winstead, Office Room 5, Phone (724) 357-2912  (Biology Office (724) 357-2352)
               Office Hours:     Monday         1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
                                           Tuesday         2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
                                           Thursday       1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

NOTE: Information and handouts for this lab (plus other information) are also available on my website at http://raywinstead.com
     (Note the QR code that you can scan on your smart phone to give you easy access to the website on your smart phone.)

LAB MANUAL: Life on Earth Laboratory Manual by IUP Biology Faculty.
                Purchase at PRO-PACKET at University Square next to Domino's Pizza.

REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL READING: Your Inner Fish 2009 by Neil Shubin (ISBN: 0307277453)

ATTENDANCE POLICY: You are expected to attend all labs. There is no direct grade penalty for missing a lab, however I offer you a friendly but strong warning that from past experience the indirect penalty for missing a lab is usually severe.  The student who misses a lab should not be surprised for the grade for that lab to be much lower than originally expected. This adverse effect is observed even if lab notes are obtained from someone else in the lab.

CHEATING: Be aware that any form of cheating in this lab will result in my implementing a formal process for failure for the course.  (Be aware that this penalty has been officially implemented in this course in the recent past.)  During a test, please be sure that no notes, lab manual, text, electronic device, or ear phones are accessible.

COURTESY: Please respect your classmates by not disturbing them.  For example, please COMPLETELY TURN OFF all phones and other electronic devices while in lab.  Using your phone or other electronic device is a distraction to others, to me, and to yourself, and this is not reasonable during class.  Turn it off!  No eating during lab.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Life on Earth Lab Schedule - Fall 2012 
August 28, 29 No Lab
September 4, 5 Quantitative Vegetation Analysis I:  Tree Identification
September 11, 12 Quantitative Vegetation Analysis II:  Data Collection (Outside)

September 18, 19

Food Chains, Food Webs, Trophic Levels, plus Species Diversity Data Collection (Outside)

September 25, 26

Population Biology I (Inside and Outside)

October 2, 3

Population Biology II (Inside and Outside)

October 9, 10

Stream Ecology (Outside)

October 16, 17

Quantitative Vegetation Analysis III:  Data Analysis

October 23, 24 Species Diversity Data Analysis

October 30, 31


November 6, 7

Endangered Animals (Lab grade based on work in lab)

November 13, 14

Classification and Evolution (Lab grade based on work in lab)

November 20, 21

No Lab: Thanksgiving Week

November 27, 28

The Evolution Game: Simulating Natural Selection

December 4, 5

Supplemental Reading Assignment Due

Your lab grade will be based on

              I.  Two lab reports for a total of 40 lab points:

                a) Quantitative Vegetation Analysis - 25 lab points (The final report for this lab is due one week after the lab.)
                b) Trophic Levels / Diversity  - 15 lab points (The final report for this lab is due one week after the lab.)

             II. nine lab tests (10 lab points each):

                a) Quantitative Vegetation Analysis I:  Tree Identification (lab test one week after the lab).
Food Chains, Food Webs, Trophic Levels (lab test one week after the lab).
Population Biology I (lab test one week after the lab).
Population Biology II (lab test at the beginning of the Species Diversity Data Analysis lab).
                e) Stream Ecology (lab test one week after the lab).
                f) Variation (lab test one week after the lab).
                g) Endangered Animals (Actually, this lab grade is based on work in lab and there is no separate test).
                h) Classification / Evolution (Actually, this lab grade is based on work in lab and there is no separate test.)
                i)  The Evolution Game: Simulating Natural Selection (lab test one week after the lab).

                    The lowest grade of these nine tests will be dropped for a total of 80 lab points in this section.

            III. Supplemental Reading Assignment (30 lab points).  Due last lab.
                    (Note that the Supplemental Reading Assignment counts 30/150 = 20% of your lab grade.)

Special Notes:

a) The lab grade counts 30% of your final course grade.  

b) The lab schedule and lab test schedule are subject to change, especially based on the weather, however plan to attend lab whatever the weather.

c) Your final lab grade will be a percentage of the 150 points as outlined above.  

d) In general, a lab test will be given at the beginning of a lab on a preceding lab.  Each lab test will count 10 lab points and will consist of questions in different formats, depending on the material.  However, no lab test will be given on the day of the stream lab, and a lab test on a previous lab, e.g., Population Biology II, will be given at a later time.)

e) You may take an essay makeup test for any lab test you miss during the course at the end of your last lab of the course, i.e., when the class has finished with the supplemental reading oral presentations. 

f) A person arriving late for lab has missed the lab test if the first lab test paper has been handed in already.

g) A penalty will be incurred for a lab report being turned in late.

Front Page

Christian Essentials

Dr. Winstead's Blood Pressure Tracker:  Free Templates for Graphing Blood Pressure in Microsoft Excel

Dr. Winstead's Current Local and World Standard Percentage Metric Time Clock

Blue Spruce Park Chickadees

Dr. Ray L. Winstead
Direct e-mail Link: RWinstea@iup.edu