Celebrating E. D. Winstead's Life!

E. D. Winstead about 1923 at his aunt Laura Strickland White's house in Matthew's County, Virginia.

(Click on photo for enlarged photo.)
In Back: E. D. Winstead, Wes Strickland (Born after the Civil War; his mother was a Strickland slave.)
In Front: Charles Edward Crockett (close neighbor and son of EDW's aunt Betty Strickland Crockett),
Lorene Crockett (close neighbor and daughter of EDW's aunt Betty Strickland Crockett),
Clara Winstead, sister of E. D. Winstead.
(Aunt Laura Strickland White and Aunt Betty (Mary Elizabeth) Strickland Crockett were E. D. Winstead's mother's sisters.)

From E. D. Winstead's Autobiographical Narrative:

"I enjoyed the summers in Virginia.  When I was 10 or 12 years old, or even less, I was put on the first available transportation to Mathews county, Virginia to visit my aunt.  Could be going up from Wilson to Norfolk on the train with one of my uncles who grew up in Mathews County, Virginia; spending the night in Norfolk and taking the Steamer the next day from Norfolk to Mobjack.  Aunt Laura lived on the water front and I basically lived in the creek.  Actually, the river in front of the house was North river and emptied into Mobjack Bay which was a part of Chesapeake Bay.  Two of her husband’s aunts, aunt Jenny and aunt Mary, lived with aunt Laura and they said that I would grow barnacles if I continued to stay in the creek so much. Uncle Robert White, Laura’s husband, worked for Pennsylvania Railroad, and was a barge captain on the run from the Norfolk area, Little Creek, I think, to Cape Charles on the eastern shore.  Mr. Jarvis, one of the neighbors would come by early in the morning and I would go fishing with him.  I usually remained all summer and came back home to Wilson just in time to begin school.  That scenario continued for a number of years."

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Dr. Ray L. Winstead
Direct e-mail Link: rw@raywinstead.com